
How To Add Woocommerce Products To Blog Page

Are you using WooCommerce to design your online store? Then you should know that over 3 million websites are doing it too.

So does this mean that they all look the same?

Well, if your site has the default WooCommerce templates then yes. Your online shop will look like thousands of other stores.

Your unique product deserves a unique WooCommerce product page. Luckily, this does not require any complex code or process. You can perform simple tweaks to improve your page design to complement your product.

In this article, I'm going to explain how to customize a WooCommerce Product Page even if you have no coding knowledge.

Are you here to hear? If yes, read this post till the end.

What Do You Need to Customize the WooCommerce Product Page?

You must be wondering about what you need to customize a WooCommerce single product page for online business. Well, the process I'm going to show will not need you to buy dozens of paid plugins or extensions. Apart from having WooCommerce installed and activated, you'll need to activate the following two plugins on your WordPress website:

  1. Elementor Page Builder
  2. ShopEngine

Both of the plugins work smoothly with the WooCommerce plugin and help you start designing your single product pages for all new products and old ones.

Customize a WooCommerce Product Pages Step-by-step

There is no end to customization and tweaks for a default product page. Different kinds of products need different types of customizations.

However, in this step-by-step guide, I'm going to explain the key customizations you can make to your WooCommerce product page so that you get more sales from all product pages. Let's get started.

Install Elementor and ShopEngine

Elementor Page Builder and ShopEngine Installation Process
Install Elementor and ShopEngine

As we're going to customize the default WooCommerce product page with Elementor and ShopEngine, the first step is to install the plugins from WordPress. Here's how to install Elementor and ShopEngine from your admin dashboard.

Elementor Installation Process ShopEngine Installation Process
1. Go to your WordPress Dashboard. Click on PluginsAdd New
2. In the search box, enter Elementor, and choose the Elementor Website Builder plugin to install.
3. After installation, click on Activate.
1. Go to your WordPress Dashboard. Click on PluginsAdd New
2. In the search box, enter ShopEngine, and choose the ShopEngine plugin to install.
3. After installation, click on Activate.
Elementor and ShopEngine Installation Process

Create a Woocommerce Single Product Page Template

  1. Go to ShopEngine ➜ Templates➜ Add New
  2. Give the template a Name
  3. Choose type: Single
  4. Set the template as default (Yes)
  5. Click on Edit with Elementor
Create a Woocommerce Single Product Page Template
Create a Woocommerce Single Product Page Template

Select a Structure

Choose your preferred structure from Elementor to start making a single product page of your WooCommerce store.

Select a Structure from Elementor
Select any Structure from Elementor

Customize Product Price

Search for the 'Product Price' widget on Elementor. Drag and drop the product price widget from the 'ShopEngine Single Product' block to make a custom product page.

Customize WooCommerce Product Price
Customize WooCommerce Product Price

This price block widget will help you to:

  • Set the product price alignment to left, center, and right
  • Change the primary, secondary, text, accent color
  • Use the color picker option to design the product tag with your favorite color
  • Change the typography family, typography size and weight, decoration, line height, letter spacing, and other typography-related settings.

Customize WooCommerce Product Title

Customize WooCommerce Product Title
Customize WooCommerce Product Title

Search for the 'Product Title' widget on Elementor. Drag and drop the product title widget from the 'ShopEngine Single Product' block to make your product page.

From the style settings of the product title block, you can make the following customizations:

  • Set your product title HTML tag from H1 to H6.
  • Set product title alignment to right, left, or center.
  • Change the product title color
  • Set all aspects of typography

Add Breadcrumbs

Add Breadcrumbs with ShopEngine
Add Breadcrumbs with ShopEngine

A breadcrumb will let the shoppers know where they are on your website. It is a wise decision to add a breadcrumb to your product page. Here's how to add breadcrumbs:

Search for the 'Breadcrumbs' widget on Elementor. Drag and drop the breadcrumbs widget from the 'ShopEngine Single Product' block to the Elementor content area.

From the style settings tab, you can:

  • Set text color, link color, link hover color of the breadcrumbs
  • Choose typography, alignment, icon, icon size, and space between values.

Customize Product Additional Information

Customize Product Additional Information
Customize Product Additional Information

A short description might be inadequate for your product. And when a short description is not enough, the additional product information will increase the likelihood of more sales.

Search for the 'Product Additional Information' widget on Elementor. Drag and drop the widget from the 'ShopEngine Single Product' block to the content area.

Here is a list of what you can control leveraging the widget:

  • Change the alignment, color, typography, and margin of the title
  • Change the color, typography, background, and width of the label
  • Change the color, background, and typography of the value
  • Reset the table alignment and padding
  • Set your preferred typography family

Leverage Product Upsells

Customize Product Upsell
Customize Product Upsells

Product Upsells widget will help you to suggest more products to your buyers. Upsell products will inspire your buyers to buy more products from your shop and thus contribute to increased profit.

Search for the 'Product Upsells' widget on Elementor. Drag and drop the widget from the 'ShopEngine Single Product' block.

From the content and style tab, you can:

  • Set the number of the product image to show
  • Enable/disable slider, loop, and autoplay
  • Show/hide the heading, sale flash, regular price, arrows, dots, and cart button
  • Set slider columns, speed, and  arrow size
  • Define the dots size or active dots size
  • Set order by option
  • Set column gap
  • Change background color, text alignment, etc.

Customize Product Rating

Customize Product Rating
Customize Product Rating

Showing product ratings on your product pages will help your visitors find the best products based on the user ratings.

Leverage the Show Product Rating widget from ShopEngine and make any of the following changes:

  • Choose rating star color and empty star color
  • Set the star size and gap
  • Review the link color, link hover color, and typography
  • Define the left spacing and alignment

Customize Product Meta

Customize WooCommerce Product Meta
Customize WooCommerce Product Meta

Just drag and drop the product meta widget to the Elementor content area to start customizing your product meta settings.

Using the product meta widget, you can show or hide product SKU, category, and tags. On top of that, you can also change the layout, alignment, padding, typography, link hover color, and content color within minutes.

Update Product Description Styles

Update Product Description Styles
Update Product Description Styles

Drag and drop the product description widget of ShopEngine and bring any changes you like to the color, typography, and alignment of the description.

Customize Add to Cart Button

Customize Add to Cart Button
Customize Add to Cart Button

Make sure that your product pages have an excellent add-to-cart button. This will surely increase the conversion to a great extent.

With the add to cart widget from ShopEngine on Elementor, you can change the quantity icons, button positions, etc.

Moreover, you can execute A/B tests with the style settings to find out what works best for you.

Add Product Share Options
Add Product Share Options

Adding product sharing buttons on your WooCommerce product pages is a great idea you can implement right now. When the shoppers will share the product data with their near and dear ones, you're going to have more sales from new users without any paid advertising.

Leverage the product share widget from ShopEngine to add a customizable product share option to your product pages. However, you have to use a social sharing plugin like WP Social to enjoy this option.

Customize the Product Review Widget

Customize the Product Review Widget
Customize the Product Review Widget

Place the product review widget at the right place of your product page so that the product users can leave their ratings and reviews. It also promotes your brand perfectly.

Using the ShopEngine 'Product Review' widget from Elementor block, you can make the following changes to the product review section:

  • Change the color and typography of the product review heading
  • Set the single review border type, width, color, and padding
  • Set author avatar width, author name color, and typography, review date color, and typography
  • Review content color along with the typography
  • Change the default star color and empty star color
  • Customize the comment form
  • Choose your preferred font size and font family, etc.

Customize Product Stock Status

Customize Product Stock Status
Customize Product Stock Status

With ShopEngine's "Product Stock" widget, you can customize the in-stock or existing product text and icon along with the color, typography, and alignment of your WooCommerce product pages.

On top of that you are at full liberty to set the icon, alignment, color, and typography for 'out of stock' and 'available on backorder status.

Add and Customize Product Tabs

Add and Customize Product Tabs
Add and Customize Product Tabs

Adding product tabs allows you to let your customers give more information regarding the products you are selling on your WooCommerce store. With ShopEngine, you can add custom tabs and customize them to suit your needs.

Just drag and drop the 'Product Tabs' widget from the ShopEngine Single Product block on Elementor and you are ready to go.

You can control the following aspects of your product tabs with the widget:

Navigation Style: Typography, menu color, active menu color, nav indicator color and border, menu spacing, box-shadow, border type, line width, color, and padding.

Tab Content: Show or hide tab content title, change the tab content title color and typography, set tab content wrap padding.

Information List: Customize the attribute color, value color, and table data typography.

Average Rating: Experiment with the rating title, rating total, and rating count typography and color.

Review Style: Customize the rating color, empty rating color, date, authority and description color, date typography, and description typography.

Review Form: Change the form label color, label typography, input border color, input focus border color, input typography, message color, and required color.

Submit Button: Set the padding, border radius, button typography, box-shadow, color, and background.

Show Related Products

Show Related Products on Your WooCommerce Product Page
Show Related Products

Showing Related Products for your customers to buy is an amazing idea you can implement on your eCommerce website. ShopEngine 'Related Product' widget for WooCommerce product page will help you show related products with the following settings:

  • Set the number of products to show
  • Enable/disable slider
  • Show/hide heading, sale flash, regular price, and cart button.
  • Set number of slider columns
  • Change background-color
  • Set slider speed, etc.

Preview Settings or Changes on Responsive Mode

Preview Settings on Responsive Mode
Preview Settings on Responsive Mode

As most of the customers nowadays use mobile devices to buy from online stores, make sure the product pages of your shop work seamlessly for mobile and tablet viewers.

Leverage the button labeled responsive mode of the Elementor to see how the changes of your full-width product page look on mobile and desktop devices.

If you find that there are some inconsistencies or issues for mobile and tablet views, fix those up for mobile viewing.

When you are done adding the required widgets for your WooCommerce product pages and previewing the product page layout for devices, click on the 'update' button of Elementor.

Bingo! Your WooCommerce product pages are now mobile optimized and ready to go live.

Bonus: 5 Ways to Optimize the Product Page to Increase the Conversion Rate

To get a good conversion rate, it is important to optimize your product page. Below are 5 ways you can follow to maximize the conversion rate and revenue out of your online store.

Maintain Information Hierarchy

Information Hierarchy in WooCommerce Product Page
Information Hierarchy in WooCommerce Product Page

Make sure that you design the WooCommerce single product page maintaining the information hierarchy.

For example, it is a common practice to keep the breadcrumbs atop all the information. The breadcrumbs are usually followed by the product title and other product-related information like a review or description. In most of the online stores, you'll see the images on the left of the page with an icon to see the enlarged view.

Also, make sure that the information you are providing on the new WooCommerce product page is giving the shoppers a complete idea about the product you are offering to sell.

Use High-Quality Images

Use High-Quality Product Images
Use High-Quality Product Images

Only having a good product can't bring more money to your pocket unless you present them smartly to your customers. A product image is an excellent way to showcase your products to the target audience both inside the product page and shop page.

However, If your pictures are mediocre, obscure, or with a wrong angle, you can't expect much out of them.

When you post the product images, make sure that they are clear, product-focused, and captured from the right angle.

Adding contextual product images can show your products in the appropriate environments. For example, capture the picture of kitchen appliances in the kitchen to show your customers how perfectly the appliances will suit their kitchen.

Hire a professional photographer to capture the detailed product image for the product gallery. In the case of a physical product, it is best to capture the same product from all angles. It will help the customers see the product parts more clearly. On top of that, it makes the customers feel confident about making the purchase.

Last but not least, I recommend using high-resolution product gallery images. Though images can slow down your WooCommerce product page a little bit, you can minimize the effect with any free plugin for image optimization like Smush.

Image Optimization Plugins for WordPress
Image Optimization Plugins for WordPress

Write a Killer Product Description

A convincing and appropriate product details or description plays an important role in online sales. Make sure that the product description mentions the key product information. By the way, that's not enough. The information should also be easy to read and to the point. You can use bullet-point format to display the information one by one.

Remember, you don't need to be formal all the way. If it suits the product category, you can use a funny, approachable, and delightfully off-beat voice.

Here's an appealing description of Breakfast Hot Dog Bundle from Picky Bars:

Example of a Killer Product Description
Example of a Killer Product Description

The final suggestion, while you write a product description, note various usage options of the products. It will help the potential customers know whether the product will fulfill their needs or they need something else.

Place Pricing the Right Way

No matter what types of products you are selling, price is always a big factor for your customers. The pricing and how you place it on your custom WooCommerce product page affect their buying decision.

To make your pricing easily visible, you can use a large font. Making the pricing text bold or using a contrasting color might also work well for you.

Highlight discounts along with showing the regular price followed by the new one.

Here's an example on how Picky Bars have done it:

How to Place Price on Your WooCommerce Product Page
How to Place Price on Your WooCommerce Product Page

If your customers can't see the price clearly, you should rethink your design customization.

Optimize the WooCommerce Product Page with On-page SEO

To gain more organic traffic to your WooCommerce product pages, it is important to use on-page SEO techniques. Use the right title tags, meta description, alt tag for product image, keywords, description, and other on-page SEO factors to gain more customers and thus more conversion rate.

Key On-page SEO Factors
Key On-page SEO Factors

Final Words

No matter how you customize the product page of your online store, make sure that the changes you make are user-friendly and intuitive. While you customize the product page layout, make sure that you follow consistency, relevance, and context.

Customizing your WooCommerce single product page might seem to be a daunting task at the beginning. However, if you have Elementor page builder and ShopEngine, you should stay free of stress.

That's all for now. If you have any questions or confusion, feel free to let us know via the comment box.

How To Add Woocommerce Products To Blog Page


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